Why You Need to Seal Natural Stone Countertops?

 In Blog, Main Services

Natural stones like quartz, marble, and granite are highly durable. They’re a popular choice for kitchen countertops, tiled flooring, and other surfaces in residential and commercial buildings, looking especially good in the bathroom and kitchen. However, proper and regular maintenance is essential for the beauty and longevity of your natural stone countertops.

Reasons to Seal Your Natural Stone Countertops

green potted plant on table

Natural stones can resist many chemicals when properly sealed.

Natural stones can resist many chemicals. However, there’s still a chance of sustaining damage due to the everyday wear and tear caused by food and drink stains, abrasive liquid spills, bathroom cosmetics, and foot traffic on the floors.

This is why it’s important to seal the stone. That way, you can avoid the scratches, pits, and fissures that may occur from everyday use. Following are some more reasons to seal natural stone countertops:

  • Sealing a natural stone countertop will preserve the surface for a long time. It will also maintain the luster and shine.
  • Sealing prevents stains because the liquid doesn’t absorb into the stone. Instead, it beads up and rolls away. The principle is the same as the one that applies to liquid-resistant fabrics.
  • Cleaning up the mess from a sealed stone is significantly easier. You can wipe away spilled liquids, crumbs, dirt, and grease instantly.
  • Sealing reduces the “etching” of the stone. “Etches” are dull spots that form on the surface when acidic foods are spilled and not immediately cleaned. The acid reacts with the calcium carbonate in the stone to create dull patches and slowly eat away at the surface. Drips of tomato sauce and lemon juice can form these etches if not cleaned immediately. They’re different from the other stains normally seen on a stone countertop.

How Often Should You Seal Your Natural Stone Countertops?

While proper cleaning should be an everyday thing, you should seal and then reseal your stone countertops (preferably with a silicone-based sealer) once every 2 to 3 years.

In addition, it would be best if you were proactive with the sealing. Otherwise, your natural stone countertops will be porous and vulnerable to moisture. The area then becomes a breeding ground for bacteria.

In order to prevent the issues mentioned above and guarantee the longevity of your countertops, get a grout specialist involved from the beginning. Get a quote from a contractor that specializes in tile sealing.

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