Ways to Keep Bathroom Grout Clean

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Your bathroom is one of the most used rooms in your home. Everyone in the house visits it multiple times a day for a variety of reasons. Most people shower at least once a day, every day, and they use the facilities and brush their teeth.

The traffic that your tile floors see and the amount of moisture that impacts the shower and other parts of the bathroom takes it toll. Even with properly sealed grout, over time, it will get dirty and look terrible.

The best way to clean grout on the floor and in the shower is to have a professional take care of it. They have the best tools and products to ensure a deep, thorough clean, as well as the right sealants. In between professional cleanings, there are things you can do to keep your tile looking bright and clean. Below are some grout cleaning tips.

tile cleanSqueegee After Every Shower

Since the moisture in your bathroom really doesn’t have anywhere to go, getting rid of excess water is the best way to help your grout stay clean. Using a squeegee after every shower and spraying the tiles with a gentle cleaner will help keep your grout clean and bright.

Deep Clean Weekly

Even with using a squeegee after every shower, you’ll still need to deep clean your tiles once a week. Not only does excess moisture wreak havoc on your tiles and grout, but so does body oils and soap scum. Getting rid of these will help keep the area clean.

Your weekly deep clean should involve water and a baking soda paste. This can then be rubbed in using a grout brush or a used toothbrush. If there seems to be extensive staining, you may consider using hydrogen peroxide instead of water.

Keeping your grout clean requires some daily and weekly cleaning, as well as calling in a professional every once in a while.

Contact the pros at The Grout Specialist for your grout cleaning needs!

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